Tribalosophy or Aadhi Manushayan is a path that originates from the ancient knowledge of the tribes who still live in the forests of Southern India. People of these tribes live in awareness of being part of Nature, in which the well-being of each individual contributes to the wellbeing of all and to the greatest living being, Earth.
Nowadays the wellbeing of men is linked to small individual satisfactions. We have moved away from our origin forgetting the meaning of Unity. We have reached a crucial point in our evolution in which progress must broaden our vision and help us rediscover the unified sense of life on Earth. Tribalosophy is the return journey from man to human.
When we forget to keep our feet on the ground, we also forget all the elements that vibrate from within - Earth, Air, Fire, Water, Ether. That is, we have forgotten that we are part of Nature in which we live.
Life in the Tribes teaches us the importance of the existence of every living being as an integral part of a single system formed by the so-called "4 Ma" that in Malayalam - the language of Kerala - are Earth (Mannu), Trees (Maram), Animals (Mrigham) and Human Beings (Manushya). It is necessary to be aware of one's actions, and the impact they have on the entire system. To do this, simply expand a fifth "Ma", Manas, the human Mind.
Tribalospohy is a path to rediscover the nature of Human Beings.
Tribalosophy is born out of the sharing of an ancient philosophy, "Aadhi Manushayan", closely connected to Nature which still animates the life of the few tribes left in Southern India. Its growth is encouraged by the increasing need of modern society to retrieve its true origin.
This was also the case for Shajeer, an Ayurvedic chef originally from Kerala who after traveling extensively trough India and Europe began to feel the need to discover the origin of the knowledge within himself. Back in Wayanad, his region of birth, Shajeer embarked on a new journey that led him to the tribal community living in the forest near the village where he grew up. There he discovered a meaningful part of his history as a human being which greatly expanded his vision of the world and life around him. The possibility to access the ancient teachings of Aadhi Manushayan and the meeting with the spiritual leader of the Tribe allowed him to understand the importance and the value of this ancient philosophy. Shajeer understood how the evolutionary path distanced man from his origin, and how it is now necessary to rediscover them in order to achieve a collective well-being of humanity and above all of Nature. Thus he had the idea of transferring this ancient knowledge into a different sort of forest - modern civilization.
Hence Tribalosophy is a modern transposition of the ancient philosophy of tribal life. The understanding of this philosophy is immediate and able to spread rapidly, transforming itself from thought into action. Those who embrace this vision will have the opportunity of personal growth and will contribute to the collective well-being in balance with Nature.
Tribalosophy is a path, a conscious life practice, a real journey from man to human.